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Sunday, September 12, 2010

coaching for civil services2

I am not blind.i will never hesitate to admit the atmosphere at Rajinder Nagar or Mukherjee Nagar may probably be the best you will get as regards preparation for civil services,something akin to Kota for IIT!but what beats me is many people who did not go to Kota for IIT go to Delhi for CSE regardless!!!!!!
Victory for propaganda i say.

Recently there were protests at Jantar Mantar as regards preliminary results.I would love to see just how many of the people there were from the above mentioned areas.
there in lies the catch.You will get company,but at the cost of added distraction and other diversions.see,fact is post-results was a time of introspection and determination,not sloganeering and conspiracy-mongering.The first step was taken in the wrong direction and the second is not going to help either(i mean supreme court).
In an examination which values action more than talk,to have a band of 50000 co-aspirants,numerous friends and buddies around you,and consequent human tendency to talk,may actually prove a bigger liability than acknowledged.

IIT see the super 30 clear with 100 % selection rate from Bihar,and countless from elsewhere without any coaching to speak of.All i intend to point out is a good atmosphere is great,but not the sole condition to clear.Plenty clear without 'coaching' they only dont advertise.
Again i admit,there are many(not including me) who say the material these classes provide are good,concise,to the point etc.
great if it is,get the material.For those that dont know the material of each class worthy of being named is availiable readily from the classes itself on payment of some money,or Ber Sarai and old JNU campus at a pittance (~1000Rs) compared to what you would spend if you stayed and studied in the same classes (~100000Rs,boarding lodging fees included)!

The coached clones clear and face the numerous problems of governance in service.Who coaches them to manage these problems then?????

This exam is tough,and testing.It will show you what stuff you are made of.Part of my indignation lies in the fact that the coaching propaganda is undermining confidence of an overwhelming majority of the youth of this country,my country,and there is not much that right thinking people can do to change it.
if i had lakhs i might have thought of putting ads in all magazines i could-
Clear Civil Services Without Coaching,No Fees Charged!!!!

but i dont have lakhs to spend in the said manner.I am not some disgruntled maniac writing because i cant afford to join these classes.I can and i may if till my third attempt i fail on my own.but i want to give myself a chance.
till now twenty of my friends have not cleared prelimns with coaching,i have cleared prelimns
without coaching.
I dont have lakhs and all i do have is a person(me) and an exampla i am trying to set (again myself).
Those that read my posts know of my travails this year,but with solemn intent i inform you that mind you,my time will come,
i will clear without coaching,of any sort.
i will get what i want,even if i have to move heaven and earth to do so.
and i will make my point in eloquent actions,and in the process hopefully inspire some more young friends to first seek salvation in their own efforts,and then think of that infamous thing-The coaching class that promises much,and delivers little.
In the intervening time,there will be a few thousand (whose pictures everyone will see in due course of time) who will clear the exam cloned by the centers at Delhi.There will be tens (whose pictures fewer will see and that too only in newspapers) who will clear the same exams from humble origins like the wards of illiterate parents,villagers,and so on.
There will be many who will read this,nod their head and still go on to join the said class and get coached.
Some of these may clear,some may not.Be sure the ones that do,will work just as hard as me,if not more to achieve their success!
and in all this there may be one or two,who will read,and importantly reflect,and hopefully back themselves to join me in this single handed fight against the established propaganda,and save more youth from the rumour mills by setting more examples.
It may sound grand,but our role here is like the revolutionary terrorists of our freedom struggle-to strive to rouse the populace by our own (heroic) individual struggle,and i hope to succeed in this noble cause.
It is for those one or two that the whole exercise is undertaken.
i await my comrades patiently,even as i swear to prove my point as soon as UPSC permits me too.


  1. HI swamy.,
    i am regular follower of your blog., totally agree with you.,regarding coaching classes ., i am very much inspired by your thoughts., me too writing Civils 2011 with my own effort without any coaching(only coaching through guys like you who give best and honest information about civils)., As this is my first attempt i am putting all my effort and I know for Sure i will achieve what i intend to do ..... thank you!!!

  2. Its good to see someone back himself buddy!Be sure you will make it if you put in the effort.I cleared myself though i started preparing in march 2010 for prelimns!Dont read all of what is written online(for eg cut off for general candidates needing 80 + in GS and 95 + in most popular options)
    things are much easier when we sort out fact from fiction.
    all the best!!!

  3. Hi Swamy ,can u suggest me how to go with preparation for G.S for perlims and mains.,
    I am following these steps:
    1> Studying 2 monthly mazs for current affairs. 2>The hindu daily editorials and making notes out of it.
    3>Covered all NCERT books for basics.

  4. This comment has been removed by the author.

  5. Dondaya,i have written posts on prelimns.
    my honest suggestion to you is fix a time when your preliminary preparation will start.till that time comes do mains.
    even as you prepare prelimns do it detailed so that it comes in useful for mains.
    i have not mentioned books as your query is vague,ask me section wise and i will be able to tell you better.

  6. Hey swamy
    congrats for the prelims results....i m also dere in 2 cleared wit physics...just out of colg and no coaching....

    Cannot agree more abt coaching....more than d confidence thing, it can put d wrong persons in d job....i feel dere r 2 factors dat gav coaching d place it has now:
    1. Information asymmetry (Difficult 2 get books, info etc) longer the case with wikipedia, flipkart etc

    2. Predictable pattern....but upsc is changing dat too

    So i think d relevance of coaching will decrease 4 gud in d future...but still it will take a long time b4 it is completely removed...i m sure u also get dis query from almost vry1 as i do :'u qualified prelims!!, so wen going 2 delhi??' Attitudes take a lot of time 2 change...

    All d best for ur mains man....put ur very best

  7. thanks buddy!!!
    i cant agree any more on the misplaced stress on coaching centers.I am looking at the changing patterns each year,for a simple reason now atleast the coaching centres will have to put in some extra effort for the student.
    it was funny when CSAT was announced each center published 'We are with you' ads,with zero knowledge of the content or scope of CSAT!!!
    when i cleared prelimns,well meaning friends already had a list of centres advising me to joi as quickly as possible,and when i politely refused,they made a face i will never quite forget!
    seemed as if they were reading spin theory in arabic!!!

    all the best to you for the mains too buddy (more imp) and congrats for the prelims(water gone under the bridge)!!!the more examples like you we can find,the more coaching trends will change,though over time!!
    happy studying and all the best!
