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Sunday, November 7, 2010

History mains papers

Paper 1

Section A
1.Mark the following places on the map provided and write short descriptive notes on them. (3*20=60)
11.Pandu Rajar Dhibi

2.(a)To what extent  archaeological materials are useful in understanding the progress of Neolithic man in India?30
(b) Examine the significance of the Deities depicted on coins of the Kushanas.30

3.(a)Examine the view that sacrifice was a ritual and a form of Social exchange in Vedic India.30
(b)Assess the role of guilds and trade organizations in the development of early Indian economy.30

4.What light do early inscriptions and literature throw on the status of women in politico-socio-economic spheres?60

Section B
5.Write short notes in 200 words on any three. (3*20=60)
(a)Provide a comparative analysis of the development of Arabic and Persian historiography.
(b)Discuss the social dynamics in the Vijayanagara empire.
(c)G=Discuss the different types of Karkhanas in Mughal India.How was the production organized in the different Karkhanas?
(d)Critically evaluate various approaches to study medieval Indian towns.

6(a)examine the increasing importance of maritime trade of India during 13-15 centuries.30
 (b)To what extent 'monetary anaemia' afflicted the erstwhile commercial economy during the early medieval period?30

7.(a)Comment on the Turko-mongol theory of sovereignty.To what extent was it adopted by Babur and Humayun?30
(b)How did Shivaji organize his administration and finances to consolidate his power?30

8.(a)Wat was the Indian response to European technology?30
(b)How far do you agree with the view that temples in early medieval period were catalysts in spreading education?30

paper 2
section A
1.Critically evaluate in 200 words-(3*20=60)
(a)."the educated middle class in the 19th century often found the domain of reason to be oppressive, as it implied the historical necessity  of 'civilizing' colonial rule".
(b)."Railway development in India provides an interesting instance of private enterprise at public risk".
(c)."The active participation of Aruna Asaf Ali in 1942 movement symbolized the role of women in India's freedom struggle".

2.(a)"In terms of administrative structure,the government of India act of 1858..meant more continuation than change."do you agree?substantiate.20
(b)."Punjab's fate after Ranjit Singh was foredoomed as the impulse of Neo-Victorian Imperialism was bound to overwhelm it".Elucidate 20
(c)."The developments during 1937-39 greatly undermined the ability of the Indan National Congress to push through the agenda of National Unity."comment.20

3.(a)What role did economic ideas play in the early phase of the British rule in the shaping of land tenure policy?30
(b)Discuss the extent to which the Indian Renaissance movement contributed towards the rise of national consciousness.30

4.(a)To what extent did the process of commercialization of agriculture affect the rural scene in India?30
(b)Discuss the factors that lead to the growth of Dalit consciousness and mention the major movements aimed at their empowerment. 30

Section B
5.Critically examine in200 words (20*3=60)
 (a)"..he (Voltaire ) was living in the Age of Enlightenment....The age itself was not enlightened."-E.Kant.
(b)"all long marches begin with small steps".
(c)."The essence of Perestroika is for people to feel they are the country's master"-gorbachev.

6(a)"How far is it correct to say that every feature of the American Constitution was ultimately of English Origin?20
(b)What do you understand by imperialism?state briefly its unique features in the case of Africa?20
(c)To what extent did Napoleans economic war with England become his undoing?20

7.(a)Critically examine the Dutch colonial policy in Indonesia.30
(b)"Europe faced peace in 1945 politically disorganized and economically crippled."elaborate.30

8.(a)"The eastern question has always been an international question".Elucidate 30
(b)Explain the circumstances leading to the emergence of Third world and analyze its impact on world affairs.30

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