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Saturday, January 1, 2011

happy new year!

to all my dear  hard working friends,a very happy new year...may the coming year see us all achieving our dreams and aspirations.May god bless us all.
as for us who stand on the cusp of uncertainty thanks to the changing pattern,the new year brings new and unique challenges.heres to  fighting spirit and hard work-the two things that will take us through!all the best!


  1. Happy new year swamy....wat u upto nowadays....i m trying to resume some apti, work on gk...but sleeping has definitely become the most time consuming thing that i do nowadays....should slowly start....wat plans on ur side...

  2. happy new year gokul,may the new year bring us the success we strive s hard for!!
    im beginning to read up books,not study ones but related extra readings now.Eg makers of modern india (history),Argumentative Indians (Pol sci).
    hope this will add something to my answers next time around.
    its definitely difficult resuming study for me,and am working at only 10-15% efficiency,sadly.but foreseeing the 2011 world cup i think ill need a booster shot now and get cracking.What you are doing now i very much what i plan to do as well,because that is all the guiding light we have focussing more on GS this year,cause i feel most people wil get the same marks in Aptitude section and the real difference will work out only in the GS section.plan to do some geography (human,economic) and Current affairs(must for interview too) and the environment part soon..

  3. Hi Swamy,

    When is the mains result expected usually.....


  4. Agree with u on that...GS will be the most important factor and thats good also....I have applied for the rbi test has aptitude...just so that i will write a test before csat...still cant study much....think it will gone on like dis until the results come out :)...all d best anyway dear friend...

  5. rohit it usually comes in the first week of you can safely presume 7 march +/- 5 days..

  6. i have a feeling Gokul that the paper will be a mix of the Bank PRO exams with their statistics and aptitude sections,with CDSE that has maths,GMA,and Comprehension segments.This is just a hunch based on the similarity of syllabi..i am scared it will worsen now buddy.
    picture this:
    UPSC as usual dilly-dallies with our results,and we drag on anxious,its mid march.
    we clear the mains and get a date in april.I presume no study possible till interview is done.
    then the same sword of uncertainty is back over our heads,screwing up prelimns preparation till may when the result comes.
    if we make it,celebrations,and if we dont,20 days to CSAT.
    i for one definitely underestimated the mental aspect of this exam,and i hope it does not cost me heavy..
    all the best for the RBI exam buddy!

  7. the best case scenario:
    1. We manage to do somethin during jan and feb
    2. result come by march first week
    3. the final result by may first week

    Lets hope 4 dis :)...seriously hopin it will turn out someway like dis

  8. i hope so too buddy...just add the little point of us clearing when the final results are out in may too :) :)

  9. hahaha...good one swamy....all d very best

  10. Hi Swamy,

    Do you have any idea regarding interview coachings in Delhi or you plan to start only when results are out? Actually I have no idea as to when interview batches start , do coachings help at all in interview etc etc ..I also wonder that if I start for interview coaching after results are out ( i.e if I clear mains written:) :) ),will it be of any use or not ..

  11. hi rohit..
    every year after the mains results are out there is a scramble for some 'Interview coaching'in Delhi.I regard this another manifestation of people milking your insecurity.
    You filled the mains form yourself,lived your life yourself,did things written there can someone else coach you?
    in my view it is useless.
    but,i admit the fact that there are many from non-english backgrounds who do feel the need to get some practice under the belt to gain confidence under the belt.
    then there is a group of some who have never ever attended any interview in their lives,and so opt for these,because that they feel is all they can do.
    for such people the interview classes conduct mock interviews in their classes(i have heard 3-5 interviews) and charge a bomb (around 5k)..
    you take a call on whether its useful or not inn your opinion,because i feel it not required for most even for CSE leave alone for everything else.
    there are some popular ones,and they get filled amazingly quickly so do not wait till after results for joining.
    they make you run around in circles and beg and plead if you happen to try joining at a later stage and as expected emergency fees gets revised upwards.
    lastly,i have absolutely no idea of after all the tamasha is done,is there any upward (or downward) revision of marks thanks to the effort!may help,may not because this is one thing each persons views differ on..
    so take your call...

    hope you clear too!(with or without coaching)
    all the best!

  12. Thanks a lot Swamy for the valuable insight..I am from English background and reasonably fluent .. my concern is only about the interview practice.. I agree with you that "what is all ours" no one can guide on that...So will plan out this practice thing in some days somehow :) ...but after the mains I havent done anything except relaxing :)..


  13. my pleasure Rohit,happy if i could help....i just thought of a new post i could write with some research-on general procedures for interview will help me,and maybe some more for the relaxing thats one thing common to all those that have given mains my friend,and something that one needs to experience to understand.We are all sailing in the same boat my friend :):)

  14. hi swamy
    i am shivam and after seeing your wonderful efforts by sharing your experience you are encouraging many of us to do self-study.

    i willbe appearing in 2012,and have selected history and pol science as optional since you also have same optional can u please tell me material you are following for both.
    Also since i live in delhi, i meet lots of people who tell me that by joining coaching you will be able to write answers according to UPSC standard (I am new so please guide, so i can convince my parents about coaching who are adamant on it)


  15. hello shivam,nice to hear from you.
    what i noticed about you is your case of typical of the type of society we live in.
    school onwards any deviation from the established standard (read individuality) is frowned upon,and slowly but surely a person pressurized into 'getting back in line'!this is best called the 'sheep mentality' and its good to see you resisting the pressures.
    as far as UPSC standard is concerned,no one has a set standard of answers needed(varies as candidates abilities vary yearly).those that say Delhi coachings are must ask them why is it then that for every one person clearing from delhi a thousand dont?
    as far as parents are concerned its a different cup of tea.they speak out of concern and a wish that only the best happen to their son,though they might not be the best informed as far as exams go.Convincing them is upto you,if you ask me,for me my parents happiness is such that just to see them happy i might sit through a year of bull..t(read coaching classes)!
    still no one knows your ability better than you,back yourself if you feel you can,and you will soon see the world with your perspective!
    i will soon compile a list of my books and put it here..all the best!

  16. Hi swamy

    My name is Uday, i am from hyderabad.First of all i would like to thank u for your blog as it is so informative for beginners like me.
    I am preparing for 2012 and my optionals are history and political science,my problem is i don`t have guidance as no one in my friend circle is preparing for civils.I intend to come to Delhi and join coaching for GS as it would give me exposure to fellow aspirants and study materials.Regarding my optionals i would study on my own,can u suggest books and strategy for preparing these optionals.Thank u.

  17. hi ...m Rohit Bansal...have taken sociology as one of my optionals.....was planning to go with pol another one...dont have any background..m an engineer.. i have a few doubts//
    1) is pol sc.manageable along wid equally diverse n lengthy subject as sociology?
    2) how much time does it take to complete pol sc?
    3)what basic readings are required?
    4 is it scoring..i mean since few years results are nt that gr88 with pol sc. as an optional..n especially wen u r nt havin a proper background?/
    5)wat is the reading list for it?
